Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A citizen Infected by Virus MERS

The Ministry of Health states , a citizen suspected of contracting the virus Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus ( MERS - CoV ) . The patient is currently being treated at King Saud Hospital Jeddah .

" The citizens have been living in Saudi Arabia , Umrah pilgrims not . Treated in Hospital King Saud Jeddah from the date of 20 April 2014 on suspicion of corona virus infection , " said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health ( P2PL ) Ministry of Health Tjandra Yoga Aditama in electronic mail in Jakarta , Tuesday ( 04/29/2014 )
( Read: cara membuat email baru )

Ministry of Health , Tjandra said , not knowing the condition of citizens initials NA ( 61 ) who allegedly contracted the MERS . " I 've talked last night directly to the Director General stated just now already contacted the Foreign Ministry and the Indonesian Ambassador in Saudi Arabia , there is indeed confirmed this patient , " said Tjandra .

He said , the Ministry of Health will conduct strict monitoring of MERS - CoV case that is circulating in some of the Arab countries .

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) reports , MERS - CoV cases currently going on in Mecca and Medina which is the main cities for pilgrimage . " For Indonesia this would be very important because it is the city that all Umrah pilgrims visited Indonesia , " said Tjandra .

In addition , cases of transmission to health care workers in hospitals continues to occur from patients treated , so it takes an important observation about human transmission pattern which the world's major pandemic level . " Previously most cases only the local residents or the general public who are not pilgrims Umrah visitors , " said Tjandra .


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