Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Perbanas: Acquisition by Bank BTN Will Strengthen Performance

Step PT Bank Mandiri Tbk took over ownership of the State Savings Bank Tbk ( BTN ) of the government could provide a positive impact for the two state-owned banks .

Chairman Pramod Perbanas Sigit said the BTN has the power in terms of lending (mortgage ) . To that end , the bank asked to maintain distinctiveness BTN , and can even improve the ability .

" On the other hand , BTN also has the disadvantage that in terms of cheap funding . During the BTN is less able to maximize the acquisition of deposits from the public . Taken over by The Independent , a weakness that could certainly be covered , " he said Wednesday ( 04.16.2014 ) .

Meanwhile the Independent , the entry of BTN in its business structure will further expand the scope of the bank business .

Sigit said , BTN acquisition by Mandiri also in accordance with the Indonesian banking architecture . Especially for state-owned banks , there will be one big bank that international beskala . " This is a very strategic decision , " he continued .
(see also: suara burung kenari )

As reported earlier , the Ministry of SOEs has requested the Bank to acquire BTN to take over all shares owned by the government . The continuation of the corporate action is expected to be decided in the general meeting of shareholders extraordinary ( EGM ) next month .


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